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Quranic Exegesis (Tafsir)

This course examines and analyzes issues from the Holy Quran that human beings encounter a lot in life from the perspective of the Quran.

No of lessons:


Course duration:

11 Sessions/60 Mins


Teenagers, Adults


Female, Male

Additional Details

On numerous occasions, we have found ourselves in situations where we yearned to discover the Quran’s guidance pertaining to specific issues but struggled to find satisfactory answers. In this course, we have endeavored to address this predicament by exploring and analyzing prevalent topics from the Holy Quran that we frequently encounter in our lives, as determined by your survey responses. We approach these subjects—such as gender equality, duties towards parents, divorce, judgment, and the concept of Hijab—from the Holy Quran’s perspective.

• Familiarity with the science of exegesis,
• A deep understanding of specific issues from the Holy Quran which human beings face frequently in life,
• Using this Knowledge in practice and making a lifestyle based on the Quran.

كِتَابٌ أَنْزَلْنَاهُ إِلَيْكَ مُبَارَكٌ لِيَدَّبَّرُوا آيَاتِهِ وَلِيَتَذَكَّرَ أُولُو الْأَلْبَابِ
[This is] a blessed Book that We have sent down to you, so that they may contemplate its signs, and that those who possess intellect may take admonition (38: 29).
One of the most important duties that Allah gave to the Prophet (S) was to explain and interpret the Quran to the people, therefore Prophet Muhammad (S) was the first person who explained the verses of the Quran and throughout his noble life, he worked hard on this matter. Allah’s purpose of the revelation of this great book was not only for it to be recited, but the purpose was to make its verses a source of contemplation and a source of awakening of consciences. The Holy Quran is a book that should be read and understood, its verses should be pondered upon, and its teachings should be applied. However, its contents, unfamiliar words, and literary arts need to be explained, especially its vague and allegorical verses because Allah has spoken the Quran in the ordinary language of human beings with absolute beauty and eloquence, which necessitates the use of literary arrays such as similes, metaphors, allegories, the depiction of intangible concepts, and so on. There are also words and phrases in this book, such that even if it was understood and was familiar for the people of that era, today it may be difficult for us to comprehend the same. This problem exists in understanding all the ancient literary works and is not specific to the Quran. For this reason, we see that a commentary is written on the poetical works (Divan) of the poets and books of literary prose. Therefore, the Quran, which is in the perfection of rhetoric and literary nature and is rich in various meanings related to this world and the hereafter and includes legal, moral, and epistemological issues, first and foremost needs to be “interpreted” and explained for a deep and a profound understanding.

Quran Reading

• Familiarity with the science of exegesis,
• Removing ambiguities that can be seen at first glance in some verses of the Quran,
• Using this Knowledge in practice and making a lifestyle based on the Quran,
• Obtaining a comprehensive interpretation, secrets and new messages of the Quran and being aware of the conditions, characteristics, causes and outcomes of topics from the Holy Quran that human beings face in life, such as: Stages of the creation of man, Gender Equality, Man’s duty towards their parents, Charity and Zakat and so on.

At the end of the course, students will be tested and those who succeed in obtaining 50% of the test score will be awarded a certificate.

  • Improve your general Quranic knowledge
  • Become a Quran teacher

Do you want to know more? Go to our Special Quranic Learning Paths web page

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Quranic Exegesis (Tafsir) Online Course

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