Sadness and its Position from the Perspective of the Holy Quran
He who makes a Muslim believer happy, has pleased first Allah, secondly the Prophet, and thirdly us (Ahl al-Bayt).Musa ibn Ja’far al-Kazim (as) The Grand

How to train your voice for the Holy Quran Recitation
The Grand Quran is the word of Allah, and reciting it is an act of worship that brings many rewards and blessings. However, not everyone
Manners of reciting the Holy Quran
The best act before Allah the Almighty is fighting for the sake of Him and so nothing is alike of it.Prophet Muhammad (S) Reciting the
The Principles of Political Thinking in the Holy Quran
Have a good opinion of God, for whoever has a good opinion of God He will treat him in the same way.Ali ibn Musa al-Rida
The similarities and differences between (ق، غ)
You are all descended from Adam, and Adam was created from earth; in fact, the most honorable of you with Allah is the most God-fearing
What is Maqam Hijaz?
O seeker of knowledge, there are three signs for a scholar: knowledge, patience and silence.Ali ibn Abi Talib (as) Known for its distinct sound and
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