How to control breath when reciting Quran
Reciting the Sacred Quran is a spiritual and transformative experience. To truly embody the essence of the sacred words, it is crucial to master breath
How Many Maqamat are there in Recitation of Holy Quran?
Your true friend is he who prevents you from committing sins, and your enemy is he who tempts you into doing so.Husayn ibn Ali ibn
How Can We Improve Qirat of Quran?
The person who really loves you is the person who doesn`t flatter you and a real admirer is one who admires you behind your back.Ali
Hajj from Perspective of the Holy Quran
He who commands you to improve your soul is the best whom you obey.Ali ibn Abi Talib (as) The Significance of Hajj in the Glorious
Divine Aid and the Conditions for Benefiting from it in the Sacred Quran
Be aware, you are not concealing from Allah’s eye, so see how you are.Muhammad ibn Ali al-Jawad (as) This notion is closely associated with the
Religions in the Holy Quran
If a seeker of knowledge embraces death while he is on learning position, he is regarded as a martyr.Prophet Muhammad ﷺ The Holy Quran is