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The Final RAB Award Winners of the Second International Quran Competition

The Final RAB Award Winners of the Second International Quran Competition

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The Final RAB Award Winners of the Second International Quran Competition

“And certainly, we have brought them a Book that We have made clear with knowledge, guidance, and mercy for people who believe”. (Al-A’raf: 52)

By considering the importance of honoring the winners of the RAB Award competition, announcing their names out loud, and applauding them, DarulQuran Academy held a closing ceremony on Sunday, 14th May, at 2:00 PM UK time.
Our Quranic competition committee well planned the schedule of the Quranic meeting and the closing ceremony of the Second International Quranic Competition (RAB AWARD).
A closer look at what happened in the RAB Award closing ceremony:
The Glorious Quran is sacred; we started our closing ceremony with a Quran recitation to purify ourselves. Sister Zahra Abbasipour, the master of voice and tune at DarulQuran Academy, recited Surah Noor.
Next, we had the honor to call on a privileged Quran teacher of Tahqiq and Tartil, Sister Maryam Samaei for the revisions of the Rokn Al-Hadi group.
Also, we had a chance to listen to the beautiful recitation of Sister Zainab Zulfikar Ali Mohammad again; this competent woman was the winner of the Juz 30 memorization competition the last year.
(DarulQuran Academy held its first RAB Award Quranic competition in June, last year)
After the beautiful recitation from Ms. Zainab Zulfikar, DarulQuran Academy was introduced by our diligent colleague Sister Mona. Furthermore, we had a brief introduction of our teachers and judges of the RAB competition. Besides our gratefulness, we had a glance at their judgment process too.
Children are priceless treasures from Allah and they are future wealth and messengers of Islam and the Quran.
One of our illustrious talents from last year’s RAB competition recited the Quran.
When Sister Izzah Qurratain from Indonesia began her recitation, our audiences were surprised by her recitation, and she was encouraged and as well applauded at the end of her recitation. She is indeed a miracle in the Quran world.
Following our journey in this special Quran mahfil, we announced our first and second winners. Finally, we ended the closing ceremony with the Quran recitation of Sister Zeinab Aliyu Mohammad from Nigeria. She was our first winner of this year’s Tarteel competition (Surah Ebrahim 34-41)
It was an honor to have all of our participants and other enthusiasts.
This remarkable event was graced by the presence of our esteemed reciters and teachers and our exceptional participants in the Competition.
Contact DarulQuran Academy to learn more about our various competitions, workshops, courses, and other programs.
Email: info@darulquran.co.uk
WhatsApp Support: +447538461315

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The DarulQuran – Europe and England Institute, the first specialized virtual platform for Quranic Sciences, has been actively teaching since 2011 in five different languages: English, Arabic, Spanish, French, and Dutch. Using modern software platforms and employing academic and creative approaches, the institute has established a successful and professional model for Quranic education. Currently, over 3000 users from 195 countries participate in online classes at DarulQuran, with more than 150 classes held each week in various departments and languages. The website offers more than 15 departments dedicated to Quran education and related courses, catering to children, teenagers, and adults separately.

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