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Is it Permissible to Recite the Holy Quran Based on the Rules of Singing?

Is it Permissible to Recite the Holy Quran Based on the Rules of Singing?

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keep in mind that you are never absent from Allah`s sight, so keep looking how you are acting.
Muhammad ibn Ali al-Jawad (as)

The recitation of the Holy Quran is a sacred practice in Islam, and the question of whether it can be combined with singing has been a subject of scholarly debate.

This presentation will explore the perspectives and conditions around the permissibility of Quran recitation with singing.

The Importance of Quran Recitation

Spiritual Connection

Quran, the holy book of Islam, is not just a set of verses and chapters, but it is considered to be the literal word of Allah.

Reciting the Sacred Quran is not just about reading the words, but it is about understanding the message, contemplating on its meaning, and building a deeper connection with the Almighty.

One of the key reasons why Quran recitation is given so much importance in Islam is because it is seen as a means to seek guidance and enlightenment from Allah.

The Noble Quran is a source of divine wisdom and guidance for Muslims, providing them with moral and ethical teachings, as well as practical guidance on how to lead a righteous and fulfilling life.

By reciting the Grand Quran regularly, Muslims are able to build a deeper understanding of their faith and strengthen their spiritual connection with Allah.

Furthermore, Quran recitation is believed to have a purifying effect on the soul. When a Muslim recites the Quran, they are not just reciting words on a page, but they are engaging in a spiritual practice that cleanses their heart and purifies their intentions.

The act of reciting the Holy Quran is seen as a form of worship, and it is believed that through recitation, one can seek forgiveness for their sins and seek spiritual renewal.

Additionally, Quran recitation is also believed to have a calming and soothing effect on the mind and body. Many Muslims find solace and peace in reciting Quran, especially during times of stress and difficulty.

The rhythmic nature of Quranic recitation, along with the beauty of its verses, can have a profound effect on one’s emotional state and bring about a sense of calm and tranquility.

Moreover, Quran recitation is seen as a form of spiritual nourishment for the soul. Just as the body requires food and water to survive, the soul requires spiritual sustenance in the form of Quranic recitation to thrive.

By engaging in regular Quran recitation, Muslims are able to feed their souls with the divine wisdom and guidance found in the Glorious Quran, allowing them to grow spiritually and strengthen their connection with Allah.

Preserving Tradition

The Noble Quran is the holy book of Islam, believed by Muslims to be the literal word of Allah as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. It is considered the ultimate guide for all aspects of life, containing guidance on morality, ethics, spirituality, and law. Reciting the Quran is a fundamental practice for Muslims, serving as a means of communication with Allah, as well as a form of worship and spiritual reflection.

Preserving the tradition of Quran recitation is of utmost importance for several reasons.

Firstly, it is a means of safeguarding the integrity of the text itself. The Glorious Quran has been preserved in its original Arabic language since it was revealed over 1,400 years ago. By ensuring that the text is recited and memorized accurately, the integrity of the Heavenly Quran is maintained, ensuring that its message remains unchanged and untainted by human interpretations.

Secondly, Quran recitation serves as a means of spiritual development for Muslims.

Reciting the Quran is a form of worship that brings a sense of peace, tranquility, and spiritual fulfillment to the believer. It is believed to have a purifying effect on the soul, helping to strengthen one’s faith and connection with Allah.

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By preserving the tradition of Quran recitation, Muslims are able to continue benefiting from the spiritual nourishment that comes from engaging with the holy book.

Furthermore, Quran recitation is a means of preserving the oral tradition of Islam.

From the time of the Prophet Muhammad, the Noble Quran has been recited and memorized by Muslims, passing down the teachings of the faith from one generation to the next.

By continuing to recite the Quran in the original Arabic language, Muslims ensure that the oral tradition of Islam remains alive and vibrant, connecting believers to their heritage and history.

Personal Growth

One way to achieve personal growth is through the recitation of the Glorious Quran, the holy book of Islam.

The Sacred Quran is believed by Muslims to be the word of Allah, revealed to the Prophet Muhammad over 1400 years ago. It is a book of guidance, wisdom, and spiritual enlightenment.

Reciting the Heavenly Quran is not just about reciting words, but about internalizing its lessons and teachings. It is about reflecting on the verses, pondering over their meanings, and implementing them in our daily lives.

Quran serves as a roadmap for personal growth, providing us with the tools and guidance needed to overcome challenges, improve ourselves, and connect with our Creator.

One of the key benefits of reciting Quran is the sense of peace and tranquility it brings. The Quran is known for its melodious and soothing recitation, which has a calming effect on our hearts and minds.

By reciting Quran regularly, we can find solace in its verses, find comfort in its words, and experience a sense of inner peace.

This inner peace allows us to better cope with the stresses and challenges of life, and helps us to maintain a positive outlook on life.

In addition to providing a sense of peace, reciting the Grand Quran also helps to enhance our spirituality and connect us to our Creator. The Holy Quran is a book of divine guidance, filled with wisdom and insights on how to live a fulfilling and purposeful life.

By reciting the Glorious Quran, we can deepen our understanding of our faith, strengthen our relationship with Allah, and strive to become better Muslims. This spiritual growth leads to a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment in our lives.

Furthermore, reciting the Noble Quran can also help to cultivate positive traits and qualities within us. Quran contains numerous verses that emphasize the importance of humility, patience, kindness, forgiveness, and many other virtues.

By reciting these verses and reflecting on their meanings, we can strive to embody these qualities in our own lives. This process of self-improvement and character development is essential for personal growth and can have a positive impact on our relationships with others.

Is it Permissible to Recite the Holy Quran Based on the Rules of Singing?
Quran recitation

The Scholarly Debate on Quran Recitation with Singing


The scholarly debate on Quran recitation with singing is a controversial and complex issue that has sparked much discussion within the Muslim community.

While some scholars argue that reciting the Sacred Quran with musical accompaniment is impermissible and goes against the sanctity of the holy text, others argue that it is permissible as long as it is done in a respectful and appropriate manner.

Those who argue against Quran recitation with singing often cite the hadiths that prohibit the use of musical instruments and singing in a way that distracts from the message of the Grand Quran.

They believe that any form of music or singing can detract from the message of the Noble Quran and may lead to a lack of focus or reverence for the divine text.

Additionally, they argue that adding musical accompaniment to Quran recitation can cheapen the experience and diminish the spiritual impact of the verses.

On the other hand, those who believe Quran recitation with singing is permissible argue that music and singing can enhance the emotional and spiritual connection to the Sacred Quran.

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They believe that as long as the recitation is done in a respectful manner and the focus remains on the meaning and message of the verses, there is no harm in using musical accompaniment.

They point to examples from Islamic history where music and poetry were used to convey the teachings of the Pure Quran in a way that resonated with people and helped them connect on a deeper level.

One of the main points of contention in this debate is the intention behind the recitation with singing.

Some argue that if the intention is to enhance the listener’s understanding and connection to the Heavenly Quran, then it is permissible. However, if the intention is purely for entertainment or to show off musical skills, then it is impermissible.

It ultimately comes down to the individual’s sincerity and intention in using music as a tool for reciting the Grand Quran.


The debate surrounding the permissibility of reciting the Holy Quran with singing has been a contentious issue among Islamic scholars for centuries.

While some argue that reciting the Noble Quran with singing is not permissible and goes against the traditional rules of recitation, others believe that it is a beautiful and meaningful way to connect with the holy text.

Those who argue against reciting the Glorious Quran with singing often cite the importance of preserving the traditional rules of recitation, known as Tajwid.

According to these scholars, the Holy Quran is a sacred text that should be recited with reverence and care, following the rules that have been passed down through generations of scholars.

Singing the Sacred Quran, they argue, can distort the pronunciation and rhythm of the text, leading to a departure from the original meaning and intent.

Furthermore, some scholars argue that singing the Heavenly Quran can lead to a lack of understanding and reverence for the text.

By turning the recitation into a musical performance, they argue, the focus is shifted away from the meaning of the words and onto the aesthetic qualities of the singing itself.

This can lead to a lack of understanding and appreciation for the deep spiritual and moral teachings contained within the Grand Quran.

On the other hand, proponents of reciting the Noble Quran with singing argue that it can be a powerful and moving way to connect with the text.

They believe that singing can enhance the beauty and emotional impact of the recitation, allowing listeners to feel a deeper connection to the message of the Sacred Quran.

Additionally, they argue that singing can help make the Grand Quran more accessible and engaging to a wider audience, including those who may not be fluent in classical Arabic.

Furthermore, some argue that the Holy Quran itself is a form of poetry, and that singing can be a natural and appropriate way to express the beauty and rhythm of the text.

By adding a musical element to the recitation, they argue, singers can better convey the emotional and spiritual depth of the Sacred Quran, making it more accessible and relatable to listeners.

Conditions for Permissible Quran Recitation with Singing


Intention is a vital aspect of Islamic practice, including reciting the Grand Quran with singing. In Islam, intentions play a crucial role in determining the permissibility of an action.

The Holy Quran is considered to be the literal word of Allah and reciting it is a form of worship that requires a sincere intention to seek blessings and guidance from it.

When it comes to reciting the Sacred Quran with singing, the intention behind this action is of utmost importance. The recitation of the Grand Quran is a solemn act of worship and should not be taken lightly.

A person must have the intention of glorifying Allah and seeking His pleasure through the recitation of His holy book.

The intention behind reciting the Sacred Quran with singing should be solely for the purpose of beautifying the recitation and enhancing the emotional impact of the words of Allah. It should not be done with the intention of showmanship or entertainment.

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The focus should always be on the content of Quran and the message it conveys, rather than on the musical aspects of the recitation.

Furthermore, the intention behind reciting the Pure Quran with singing should also include seeking knowledge and understanding of the Quranic verses. The Holy Quran is a book of guidance for all mankind and reciting it with the intention of understanding its deeper meanings and teachings is essential.

It is important to note that reciting the Grand Quran with singing should be done in a manner that is in accordance with the teachings of Islam.

The singing should not distract from the words of the Sacred Quran or detract from its reverence. Care should be taken to ensure that the recitation is done with the appropriate level of respect and devotion.


Moderation is a key principle in Islam that applies to all aspects of life, including worship. The Heavenly Quran teaches that believers should strive to maintain balance and avoid excess in all of their actions.

This principle is particularly important when it comes to Quran recitation with singing. While singing can enhance the emotional and spiritual experience of reciting Quran, it should never overshadow the importance of the words themselves.

The primary focus should always be on understanding and reflecting on the meaning of the verses, rather than on the musicality of the recitation.

In addition to moderation, there are also specific conditions that must be met for Quran recitation with singing to be permissible in Islam. One of the most important conditions is that the lyrics of the songs must be in accordance with the teachings of Quran and the Sunnah. This means that the lyrics should not contain any inappropriate or un-Islamic content, and should instead be focused on praising and glorifying Allah.

Another important condition is that the singing should be done in a modest and respectful manner.

This means that the reciter should avoid any form of exaggeration or showmanship, and should instead strive to maintain a humble and reverent attitude throughout the recitation. Additionally, the recitation should be done in a voice that is pleasing and easy to listen to, without any unnecessary embellishments or vocalizations.

Finally, Quran recitation with singing should be done with the intention of seeking the pleasure of Allah and drawing closer to Him. It should not be done for the sake of entertainment or self-aggrandizement, but rather as a sincere act of worship and devotion.

By following these conditions and approaching Quran recitation with singing in a spirit of moderation and sincerity, Muslims can ensure that their practice is in line with the teachings of Islam and is pleasing to Allah.

Avoidance of Immorality

While the recitation of the Noble Quran is a fundamental part of Islamic worship, there are certain conditions that must be met in order for it to be permissible.

One of these conditions is the avoidance of immorality. Immorality refers to behavior that goes against the teachings of Islam, such as lying, cheating, stealing, and engaging in illicit activities.

The Sacred Quran condemns immorality in no uncertain terms and emphasizes the importance of leading a virtuous and upright life. In Surah Al-Isra, verse 32, Allah says, “And do not approach unlawful sexual intercourse.

Indeed, it is ever an immorality and is evil as a way.” This verse is a clear warning against engaging in immoral behavior, particularly in the realm of sexual relations.

In addition to avoiding immorality in our actions, it is also important to guard our tongues and avoid speech that is vulgar, disrespectful, or hurtful.

The Prophet Muhammad said, “Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should speak good or keep silent.” This hadith emphasizes the importance of guarding our speech and ensuring that we only say what is good and beneficial.

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When it comes to reciting the Heavenly Quran with singing, there are additional considerations that must be taken into account.

Singing is a form of expression that can be used to convey emotions and convey messages, but it must be done in a way that is in line with Islamic teachings.

Singing that is accompanied by inappropriate lyrics or melodies that promote immorality or go against the teachings of Islam is not permissible.

In Islam, music and singing are not inherently forbidden, but they must be in accordance with Islamic principles.

The Prophet Muhammad said, “There will be among my follower’s people who will consider as permissible to commit illegal sexual intercourse, the wearing of silk, the drinking of alcoholic drinks, and the use of musical instruments.”

This hadith indicates that music should be approached with caution and that we should be mindful of the content and context of the songs we listen to and sing.

Is it Permissible to Recite the Holy Quran Based on the Rules of Singing?
Spiritual Connection with Quran

Potential Benefits and Drawbacks of Quran Recitation with Singing

Increased Engagement

One of the potential benefits of Quran recitation with singing is increased engagement with the text.

By adding a musical element to the recitation, individuals may be more likely to pay attention and focus on the words being spoken. This can help enhance their understanding and connection to Quran, leading to a deeper spiritual experience.

The rhythmic and melodic nature of Quranic singing can also make the verses more memorable, making it easier for individuals to recall and reflect on them in their daily lives.

Additionally, Quranic singing can help make the text more accessible to a wider audience. For those who may not have a strong background in Arabic or Islamic studies, hearing the Sacred Quran recited with a musical accompaniment can help them connect with the text on a visceral level.

This can help bridge cultural and language barriers, allowing more people to engage with the teachings of the Holy Quran in a meaningful way.

However, Quran recitation with singing also has its drawbacks. Some argue that adding music to the Quranic recitation can detract from the solemnity and reverence that should be afforded to the holy text.

The Noble Quran is considered by Muslims to be the literal word of Allah, and some believe that adding musical embellishments to the recitation can cheapen or distort its message.

Additionally, there is a concern that introducing music into the recitation of the Glorious Quran could lead to innovations or changes in the way the text is understood and interpreted.

Furthermore, there is a risk that Quranic singing could create divisions within the Muslim community.

Some sects or individuals may view the practice as unorthodox or even blasphemous, leading to disagreements or conflicts within the community. This could undermine the unity and cohesion that is essential to a strong and vibrant Muslim community.

Emotional Expression

Emotional expression is a powerful aspect of human communication and connection.

The emotional impact of music and poetry has long been recognized, but there is a specific form of emotional expression that carries a unique weight and significance.

Quran recitation with singing, also known as ‘Quranic recitation with melody’ or ‘Tajwid al-Tarannum,’ is a form of Quranic recitation that adds a melodic and emotional element to the traditional recitation of the Quran.

Singling Quranic verses allows for a deeper emotional connection to the text, as the melodic element enhances the beauty and power of the words being recited.

This can lead to a heightened spiritual experience for both the reciter and the listener.

The emotional expression that comes from reciting the Grand Quran with singing can help to create a sense of calm, peace, and tranquility within the individual, facilitating a deeper connection to the message of the Holy Quran.

Additionally, emotional expression through Quran recitation with singing has the potential to enhance the memorization and retention of Quranic verses.

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Studies have shown that music and melody can aid in memory recall, making it easier for individuals to remember and recite the verses they have learned.

By engaging emotionally with the text through singing, individuals are more likely to internalize the message of the Sacred Quran and carry it with them in their hearts and minds.

However, while emotional expression through Quran recitation with singing has many potential benefits, there are also drawbacks to consider.

Some may argue that adding a melodic element to Quranic recitation detracts from the seriousness and solemnity of the text.

There is a concern that the focus on melody and emotion may overshadow the importance of understanding and reflecting on the message of the Pure Quran.

Furthermore, there may be differences of opinion among scholars and religious authorities on the permissibility of singing Quranic verses. Some may argue that the Heavenly Quran should be recited in a traditional manner, without any added musical elements.

This can lead to debates and disagreements within the community about the proper way to recite the Grand Quran and the validity of using music in religious practices.

Is it Permissible to Recite the Holy Quran Based on the Rules of Singing?
Is it Permissible to Recite the Holy Quran Based on the Rules of Singing?

Risk of Deviation

Recitation of the Sacred Quran with singing, also known as Quranic recitation with melody or Tajwid , is a common practice in many Islamic cultures.

This form of recitation adds a musical element to the verses of the Holy Quran, making it more engaging and pleasing to the ear.

While there are certainly some benefits to reciting the Grand Quran with singing, such as increased focus and concentration, there are also some drawbacks to consider, including the risk of deviation from the original text.

One of the main drawbacks of reciting the Glorious Quran with singing is the potential for deviation from the original text. When the Quran is recited with a melody, there is a risk that the reciter may unintentionally change the pronunciation or meaning of the words. This can lead to a distortion of the message of the Noble Quran, which is a serious concern for Muslims who believe in the divine origin and preservation of the Holy Quran.

In addition, reciting the Pure Quran with singing can also lead to a focus on the musicality of the recitation rather than the meaning of the verses.

While the use of melody can certainly enhance the recitation and make it more beautiful, it is important for Muslims to remember that the primary purpose of reciting the Glorious Quran is to understand and reflect on its message.

When the focus is on the musical aspects of the recitation, there is a risk that the spiritual significance of the Quran may be overshadowed.

Furthermore, reciting the Holy Quran with singing may also lead to a sense of competition among reciters, with individuals trying to outdo each other in terms of vocal prowess and musical skill.

This can detract from the humility and reverence that should be present when reciting Quran, as the focus shifts from seeking the pleasure of Allah to seeking the admiration of others.

It is important for Muslims to approach the recitation of the Grand Quran with singing with caution and mindfulness. While there are certainly benefits to be gained from this practice, such as increased focus and concentration, it is essential to remember the importance of preserving the original text and meaning of the Holy Quran.

Reciters should strive to maintain a balance between the musicality of the recitation and the spiritual significance of the verses, ensuring that they are conveying the message of the Sacred Quran accurately and respectfully.

Ultimately, the permissibility of reciting the Heavenly Quran based on the rules of singing is a complex and nuanced issue that has been the subject of much debate among Islamic scholars.

While there are arguments on both sides, it is clear that this practice remains a controversial and highly debated topic within the Muslim community.

The DarulQuran – Europe and England Institute, the first specialized virtual platform for Quranic Sciences, has been actively teaching since 2011 in five different languages: English, Arabic, Spanish, French, and Dutch. Using modern software platforms and employing academic and creative approaches, the institute has established a successful and professional model for Quranic education. Currently, over 3000 users from 195 countries participate in online classes at DarulQuran, with more than 150 classes held each week in various departments and languages. The website offers more than 15 departments dedicated to Quran education and related courses, catering to children, teenagers, and adults separately.

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