Although mild stress can bring vitality and dynamics into life, excessive stress can result in physical and psychological illnesses. Scientific achievements have failed to take an effective step in controlling stress. One of the most effective factors on stress is religion and religious beliefs. The purpose of the present study was to determine mental health and stress coping strategies in memorizers of Quran in kashmar in 2013. Methods: in this descriptive, cross-sectional study, memorizers of Quran in kashmar were selected by convenience sampling method. Upon giving informed consent for participation in the study, they completed a set of questionnaires including the demographic form, ghq28 and ciss. The obtained data were analyzed by spss software (v: 16) at the significance level of p<0.05. Results: the memorizers of Quran had high mental health and the stress copying strategies, which they employed included emotional, problem solving, and avoidance, respectively. Conclusion: according to the results, one of the best and most reliable ways for maintaining and improving mental health includes the spiritual medium of Holy Quran.