The main aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the existing problem in the educational scenario of Pakistan in particular and Muslim Ummah in general the paper discusses the Quranic Educational Theory as the ultimate solution to the prevailing confusion in the educational curriculum: the split between the religious and the modern education. The Quran embodies a unique, self-contained and distinctive educational policy. It embraces all the fundamental rules upon which international systems and relations are based as well as the relation of the individual to society, while secular systems have failed to provide an appropriate education to the individual and society. Islam also offers a suitable moral alternative. The paper stresses the need to formulate a workable , integrated curriculum based on the unique philosophy and methodology of the Holy Quran and Sunnah It attempts to prove that the there is no split between the sacred and profane in Islam , since Islam believes in ultimate balance , where ‘Adab’ and ‘Hikmah’ are the final goals of education. The best remedy to the existing split scenario is to organize Muslim education curriculum on the basis outlined briefly below, if Muslims want to restore their lost stature and status according to the Quranic acclamation: ‘Muslims are the best generations that are raised onto mankind.