Our main discussion in this article is an investigation of the term “vali” in the verse of “velayat”. A deep investigation of this verse shows that the term “vali” refers to the meaning of “guardian” and “manager”. This verse, providing a perfect and correct aspect of the term “velayat”, is one of the best examples of the manifestation of God’s “velayat”. A good understanding of this concept is the answer to many doubts which have been brought up in regard to the reason of the revelation of this verse and the next verse coming after it. This verse tends to explain that the only guardian and manager of your affairs is God , his messenger and those who keep up prayer , pay the welfare tax (zakat) and bow their heads (in worship). Those who claim that the intention from “vali” in this verse is assistor and friend neglect the fact that assistance and friendship applies to all Muslims and for these concepts it is not necessarily needed that one keep up prayer and pay the welfare tax while bowing in worship of God. Hence, this verse specifically refers to one person and he is Imam Ali (Peace be Upon).