Bright Future for Potential Elites of Quran World
Bright future for potential elites of Quran world Bunyan Marsus is a one-year project that most talented people was chosen to involve in the breeding
Be Our Future Teacher!
Be our future teacher! The big family of DarulQuran is proud to inform you that our academy recruits new lecturers. As we always emphasised the
We Have Some Good News to Impart to Enthusiastic Young Adults And Ladies
We have some good news to impart to enthusiastic young adults and ladies. As we are getting close to the auspicious month of Ramadan, we
Teaching Is a True Vocation
Teaching is a true vocation Teaching is a true vocation for those passionate about the subject they love. We are here to have a long-lasting
Tajweed New Courses in 2023
Tajweed new courses in 2023 Tajweed new courses began this January; take advantage of this opportunity and enrol to gain more knowledge. Considering our successful
Daily Recitation of a Page of the Holy Quran
Daily recitation of a page of the Holy Quran This to inform you that our Tajweed users are to read one page of the Quran