The Best Books to Learn Tajwid
The heart of who attends a gathering held for the revival of our doctrines, shall not die on the day when hearts die.Ali ibn Musa
Interfaith Dialogue Between Islam & Cristianity Held at DarulQuran Academy
On Friday, July 26, 2024, the DarulQuran Academy hosted an interfaith dialogue. The event featured Professor Rudolph Boshoff and Professor Rebecca Masterton engaging in a
The Best Websites to Learn Tajwid
A servant would not perfect the reality of faith at all except that he has three qualities: reflecting about religion, well planning in life, being
Interfaith Dialogue on Islam and Christianity Scheduled at DarulQuran Academy
On Friday, July 26th at 2:30 PM London time, DarulQuran Academy will host a significant interfaith dialogue session. This gathering is designed to foster understanding
The Meaning of the Word Tajwid
Wisdom is the loss of a believer, so seek to learn it even through hypocrites.Ali ibn Abi Talib (a) Definition of Tajwid The art of
Verses Related to Human Soul in Quran
People all are the family of Allah. So, the most beneficent of them before Allah, the Almighty, is he who is more beneficent for His