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Quranic Stories

This course retells the stories of the prophets and includes diverse sections that provide valuable insights, uncover hidden gems within their supplications, and address common doubts about the stories and prophets. Engaging discussions encourage participants to analyze and reflect on the stories.

No of lessons:


Course duration:

14 sessions, 45-60 minutes




Female, Male

Additional Details

Storytelling is not solely the domain of children. The role of stories in human education is so pivotal that holy books narrate them in a particular manner for remembrance, guidance, and instruction. Individuals of any age can benefit from the Quranic Stories for Adults course, which offers much more than just accounts of the prophets’ lives. This course is rich with engaging sections filled with valuable insights. It explores the instructive points of Quranic verses about these stories, addresses frequently asked questions and doubts concerning the stories and prophets, delves into the characters of the prophets from a Quranic perspective, and explores their supplications and requests to the Almighty. The Quranic stories, timeless in nature, are replete with lessons that remain relevant across all eras.


  • To study and examine the details of the prophets’ stories,
  • To reflect on the verses related to the prophets’ stories,
  • To gain insights from the Grand Quran about the prophets’ stories,
  • To address doubts about the lives of prophets and past peoples,
  • To discuss and exchange views on the practical applications of the stories.

Stories have a significant impact on human education. Heavenly books present stories uniquely for remembrance, guidance, and instruction. The Torah and the Gospel abound with tales of prophets, nations, and civilizations that have shaped guiding principles for others. The Holy Quran, the miracle of the Prophet of Islam and the most complete heavenly book, is replete with stories from the lives of prophets and past nations, designed to guide people across all times. Human nature possesses a strong affinity for stories and narratives, and the Noble Quran masterfully employs this to educate and guide humanity through narrations and real-life experiences.


There are no prerequisites for this course.

  • Achieving a profound understanding of the events and stories from the lives of the prophets,
  • Enhancing knowledge of Quranic teachings about the prophets,
  • Equipping to address doubts and misconceptions surrounding the stories of the prophets,
  • Enabling to draw connections between these ancient stories and contemporary societal events and issues,
  • Empowering them to make informed decisions.

Participants are not subjected to formal tests; instead, their progress is continually monitored and feedback is provided throughout the course.

Do you want to know more? Go to our Special Quranic Learning Paths web page

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Quranic Stories Online Course

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