Is it Compulsory to Recite Quran with Tajwid?
If someone learns a gate of knowledge from a person to whom he trusts, it is better than one thousand rak`a performed by him.Prophet Muhammad
If someone learns a gate of knowledge from a person to whom he trusts, it is better than one thousand rak`a performed by him.Prophet Muhammad
If Allah likes a servant, He sustains him by a good (salīm) heart and good and moderate temper.Ali ibn Abi Talib (a) Overview of Arabic
In reply to the question “what is the act that nothing will obstacle between it and Paradise?” said: “Don’t become furious, don’t beg people anything,
Every pain, disease, sorrow, and even anxiety which are descended to a believer are a means through which Allah will forgive his sins.Prophet Muhammad (S)
Don’t regard the action’s speed but follow the good performance of a task, for people don’t ask how long it does take but rather they
The heart of who attends a gathering held for the revival of our doctrines, shall not die on the day when hearts die.Ali ibn Musa
A servant would not perfect the reality of faith at all except that he has three qualities: reflecting about religion, well planning in life, being
Wisdom is the loss of a believer, so seek to learn it even through hypocrites.Ali ibn Abi Talib (a) Definition of Tajwid The art of
Be aware, you are not concealing from God’s eye, so see how you are.Muhammad ibn Ali al-Jawad (a) Fast Quran recitation, known as “Tajwid ,”
The heart of who attends a gathering held for the revival of our doctrines, shall not die on the day when hearts die.Ali ibn Musa
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