Since its holly descent, noble Quran has been seeking to gain attention from audience in order to convince them. This attempt by Quran is for people own guidance, and salvation of audience. Quran communicates with people in order to persuade them and to convince the audience by the means of words and various phrases, and presents principles of beliefs, sentences and sermons to audience with the aid of similes, metaphors and irony in an effective way. Messages of the Qur’an must influence people’s hearts. This influence must pass through human mind and reach his heart, become internalized and accepted. The reason behind Quran’s influence of message lies in using easily understood universal language, powerful words and phrases and benefiting from literary arrays. This effect is also related to the characteristics of the messenger, in the messages of the Quran, messenger characteristics include: knowledge, purity, kindness, compassion, tolerance, and… Quran has cared for mental capacity and intellectual needs of current and future audiences. Audience virtues are also provided in Quran in the form of promising messages and he/she is invited to contemplate in order to understand, internalize and exhibit that message in his/her behavior.